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Investor Benefits
For nearly 75 years, Our Chamber has had an active role in supporting and promoting local businesses and organizations while creating partnerships, fostering strong business bonds, and improving the local business climate.
We offer our Investors a whole array of valuable benefits designed to help you succeed. Below is a list of benefits included with your investment. Some of the most valuable of those are CREDIBILITY, RELATIONSHIP BUILDING, and VISIBILITY.
Your investment can raise your reputation, connect you with those who can help you succeed, and get you noticed! We also offer a number of free and low-cost services that are beneficial for day-to-day business operations. Maximizing the use of these benefits will make your membership in the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber one of your smartest business investments!
All of the benefits listed below are included with your Chamber Investment! We are constantly working to add and improve benefits while keeping our Investor's needs our most important priority!
Investing in our Chamber can be an invaluable, highly significant benefit for your business.
The Chamber’s website offers a wide variety of information available to Chamber investors and visitors.
Our website averages 28,700 visitors per year! It includes things such as local tourist and new resident information, chamber & investor event information, legislative updates, a blog, investor links, special offers, local job postings, and more.
Each investor also has their very own page within our site with links to their website and social media sites. Investors also have the option to “enhance” their page to include additional, more detailed information about their business or organization, including photos, a map, specialized website links, additional search engine optimizing keywords, YouTube video links, and much, much more.
Designed to power your marketing success!
With an all-inclusive online marketing platform, Constant Contact gives you all the tools you need to succeed in marketing.
Keep your audience engaged with Email Marketing Automation, step up your social media presence with Facebook and Instagram Ads, and drive results with powerful eCommerce tools, Google Ads, and more. From our free intelligent Website Builder to our award-winning marketing advisors, Constant Contact can help you increase revenue and expand your audience.
Members of our Chamber can receive up to 25% off when they sign up for a prepaid plan!
Our investors are trusted! Your investment in our Chamber helps to raise your reputation.
Research shows that 44% of consumers are more likely to think favorably of Chamber involved small businesses and 63% are more likely to purchase goods or utilize services from the company in the future.
We often get calls from individuals who want to check the credibility of a local business or organization. They feel more secure enlisting business services when that business is a member of a Chamber of Commerce. We can help certify your notoriety!
The event calendar on our website is a great place for Investors to share their events!
Fundraisers, community events, webinars, seminars, concerts, special meetings, and more!
Investors may submit their events through the Member Information Center and they will be added to our event calendar, included in our e-newsletter, and shared on our Facebook page, increasing their reach by hundreds!
New businesses especially, can benefit from letting us design your business card, promotional graphics, or flyer for Chamber use.
We use investor logos and graphics in as many ways as possible, and flyer inserts are an excellent way to promote monthly specials, share event details, and publicize your business information and services.
You provide us with the info and graphics or graphic ideas that you would like to see in your flyer or promotional graphic, and we’ll design it for you!
Are you preparing to build a business or organization from the ground up in Park Hills or Leadington?
If you're ready to announce and break ground on a new building, give us a call, we have the ceremonial gold shovels! We can come take photos and help make the announcement!
The Chamber Benefit Plan is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) designed for businesses like yours.
As a chamber investor, you have the opportunity to enlist in simple and affordable medical plans for your employees. You’ll get access to a full range of high-quality plans and options that can lead to significant savings.
Click Here to learn more about the Chamber Benefit Health Care Plan.
Investors are invited to add their promotional materials, business cards, or other informational materials to the display cases located in the Chamber's lobby.
Hundreds of visitors stop by the Chamber office annually to collect, keep, and use these materials; especially new residents and those looking for specific services!
Are you hiring? We can help get the word out!
Visit your Member Center to submit your employment opportunities and we will post them on our Jobs Page on the Chamber Website. Furthermore, your job opening will be posted to the Chamber's Facebook Page and listed in our weekly e-newsletter.
Reach hundreds more potential applicants by sharing your job openings with us!
Copier down? Need bulk copies and inkjet printers are too costly for that? We can help!
Investors can have copies made at the Chamber office for just $.10 each per color and $.05 each per black and white single-sided copy.
Price increases for double-sided copies. Prices remain the same no matter the page size. Page sizes available include 8 1/2" x 11", 8 1/2" x 14", or 11" x 17" Investors must supply their own paper.
Investors may request one free set of investor mailing labels annually for promotional purposes.
Mailing labels are pre-printed, peel & stick labels, and include the business name and address of every currently invested Chamber Member.
The chamber is a great way to market your business. We’re always working to provide additional opportunities for our Investors to market their products and services and gain exposure.
As a member of our Chamber, you have access to many marketing venues, including our website, social media pages, meetings, community events, and print advertising.
The Member Information Center (MIC) is an internal website just for Investors! It gives investors the ability to manage a variety of activities.
Inside the MIC Investors can pay bills, register for events, view and modify their personalized website listing, and submit jobs, special offers, events, and news releases.
Investors can also view and/or modify directory category assignments, and view statistical reports on website traffic to their personalized web page, job postings, and more.
The MemberPlus App is a FREE mobile application that allows Chamber Investors to stay connected from the palm of their hand!
From the app, investors can receive push notifications from the Chamber, access their Member Information Center, view other Chamber Investor listings, update their profile information, register and check for events, interact with other Chamber Investors, post and view jobs, specials, events, news, and much more!
For businesses with 10 employees or less, your investment with the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce includes a FREE membership to the Missouri Chamber of Commerce. This is a minimum $500 investment that you will receive, free of charge.
The Missouri Chamber Federation is a partnership created to unify local and state chamber advocacy efforts in the capitol in Jefferson City and Washington D.C.
The Missouri Chamber Federation is a network of Missouri’s strongest chambers of commerce, including the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber, which provides grassroots support on issues that align with local priorities.
For more information on the Missouri Chamber of Commerce or the Missouri Chamber Federation, contact the Chamber Office.
Monthly Investor Meetings provide Chamber Investors with a variety of information through guest speakers.
Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance, to community interests.
Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings and provide an excellent networking opportunity.
New Resident Packets are mailed to numerous businesses and individuals annually who are looking to relocate to the area.
Packets include useful information for visiting or relocating to Park Hills or Leadington and can include brochures, business cards, pamphlets, etc. from investor businesses and organizations.
Investors are invited to bring their promotional materials, business cards, or other informational materials to the Chamber office for inclusion in all new resident packets!
If Investors have news, we want to share it!
Major announcements, interesting information, or employee recognitions; no matter how big are small when an Investor has a news release, we're here to spread the word!
Investors may submit their news release through their Member Information Center and it will be added to our news page, included in our e-newsletter, and shared on our Facebook page, increasing its reach by hundreds!
We notarize documents for FREE for our Chamber Investors!
Investors can utilize state certified notary services, free of charge, during regular office hours.
Investors have access to the use of office machines including the copier, fax, binder, paper cutter, etc.
Investors may use machines on-site, as reasonably needed, during regular office hours.
*Investor must provide their own supplies, such as paper, binding combs, etc.
Information about our Investors is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, worldwide, through listings and links on the Chamber’s web site. Our website averages 28,700 visitors per year!
Each investor has their very own page within our site which includes basic information about their business or organization. Each Investor's personalized page is visited, on average, 118 per year!
With our Enhanced Web Page Option, you are free to include detailed information, pictures, logos, maps, and various other information about your business, as well as, a link to your existing site. With 118 visitors to your page each year, it's important to have as much information as possible available!
Contact the Chamber office for more information about the Enhanced Web Page Option.
We offer a variety of ways for Investors to promote their business or organization all year long!
Sponsor the Ambassador Club or a Signature Event. Sign up to be a Center Stage Investor. Donate a door prize for the Annual Sweetheart Trivia Night. Register to be in the Annual Christmas Parade. Provide promotional items for the Investor Appreciation Grab Bags. Include an advertisement, business card, or logo, in various Chamber publications.
Investors who promote their business or organization through the Chamber can reach thousands of potential consumers, not only locally, but nationwide!
One of the least recognized, yet most effective investor benefits is the Chamber’s Business Referral Promise.
Because the Chamber is often the place people turn for assistance in locating goods and services, we promise to promote chamber investor businesses first and exclusively through referrals.
With our specially designed software, not only can we do instant email referrals or quick print referrals, but you, the investor, can use our site to refer your business to potential customers.
Local business owners have more in common with one another than profits; they’re also interesting individuals.
Building relationships, at the business and personal level, is important for a person’s health and well-being.
Communication, these days, is often accomplished in the digital realm. That doesn’t mean that face-to-face encounters aren’t important. In fact, they’re more important than ever!
Taking part in Chamber activities is a fun way to make new friends and build strong business relationships.
A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is an important part of a business or organization's overall marketing and advertising plan; and one of their most important first-steps when opening their doors!
It's a great way to celebrate a grand opening, remodel, expansion, or new location. Ribbon Cuttings offer an excellent opportunity to meet key leaders in the community, neighboring businesses, and Chamber Board Members, Ambassadors, and Investors.
Learn more about how to host a Ribbon Cutting by Clicking Here!
The Chamber offers numerous Signature Events throughout the year.
Annual events include the Chamber's Sweetheart Trivia Night, Firecracker Run, Pit Boss Competition, City Wide Yard Sale, and Christmas Parade.
Other smaller, yet equally important, Signature Events are First Friday Coffees and Investor Meetings.
Chamber events are always fun and offer great networking, marketing, promotional, and relationship-building opportunities!
The Chamber has it’s own Facebook page with nearly 5,000 followers as well as Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn pages.
Our social media pages are always being updated with Chamber and local announcements to keep our followers up-to-date.
We also have a private Chamber of Commerce Facebook Group for Chamber Investors ONLY! Learn more upon joining!
Investors can network with other Investors, residents, and potential clients on our social media sites.
Social media is an extraordinary way to promote Investor businesses and organizations for FREE while reaching thousands of potential clients!
Do you have a special promotion or sale going on? How about special pricing or discounts on a particular item or service? Even something like a special giveaway or contest qualifies as a Special Offer!
Special Offers are posted on the Chamber's Website, on our Social Media Pages, in our E-Newsletter, and what's even more special about the Special Deals feature is that all Special Deals are directly emailed to Chamber Investors once they are posted! The potential reach is thousands!
Stand Out & Get Noticed!
If you are looking to increase your business or organization's visibility, sponsorships, promotional opportunities, and networking events can help!
Connect with targeted markets, meet objectives cost-effectively, and better position your company's brand in ways that are designed to get you noticed! Join the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce today!